Singpost at Cambridge University
The Visit Cambridge website has practical information for visitors to the city, and you can contact the visitor information desk. Photo credit: Sir Cam.

If you would like to stay overnight in Cambridge, the following website allows you to do an accommodation search and then order the results by price.

NB the Christ's College postcode is CB2 3BU if you want to look for nearby accommodation.

The accommodation in Cambridge city centre tends to be expensive, but if you are prepared to stay slightly further out you may find a cheaper option.

Hotel / B&B Options

We have collected together some further detail and links below to help, however please bear in mind that the information is not exhaustive and that we recommend that you read the information / liaise with providers to check that your chosen option suits your needs before making a booking. We have not visited premises and cannot make specific recommendations.  

Twin room

Accommodation in a Cambridge College

There are some rooms available at most times of year, however there are a lot more rooms available out of term

Depending on the time of year, it is sometimes possible to book B&B accommodation in a Cambridge College as Colleges often offer this option to members of the public if they have rooms available out of term. There are a range of price options depending on the size and quality of individual rooms, however do check the age restrictions before booking a room, as in most cases all guests need to be 18 or over.

Twin room

If you are interested in staying in B&B accommodation at Christ's College,

Information about B&B accommodation in all Colleges is available on the University Rooms website.



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