- P.D. Clarke, The University and College Libraries of Cambridge (2002), 107-118
- C.P. Courtney, ‘The Printed Books and Manuscripts in the Old Library’, Christ’s College Magazine 231 (2006), 49-64
- A.N.L. Munby, Cambridge College Libraries (2nd edition, 1962)
- J. Peile, Biographical Register of Christ’s College 1505-1905, 2 v. (1905-13)
- J. Peile, ‘Christ’s College Library I’, Christ’s College Magazine 32 (1896), 2-10
- J. Peile, ‘Christ’s College Library II’, Christ’s College Magazine 34 (1897), 83-94
- W.W. Skeat, ‘The Library: Early Printed Books’, Christ’s College Magazine 78 (1912), 73-75
Printed Catalogues
- H.M. Adams, Catalogue of Books Printed on the Continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge Libraries (1967)
- E.G. Browne, A Supplementary Handlist of the Muhammadan Manuscripts including all those Written in the Arabic Character, Preserved in the Libraries of the University and Colleges of Cambridge (1922)
- Early Printed Books to the year 1500 in the Library of Christ’s College, Cambridge (1912)
- P.E. Easterling, Greek Manuscripts in Cambridge: Recent Acquisitions by College Libraries, the Fitzwilliam Museum and Private Collections (1966)
- M.R. James, A Descriptive Catalogue of the Western Manuscripts in the Library of Christ's College, Cambridge (1905)
Specific collections
- R. Auty and E.P. Tyrell, ‘A.H. Wratislaw’s Slavonic Books in the Library of Christ’s College Cambridge’, Transactions of the Cambridge Bibliographical Society vol. 5/1 (1969), 36-46
- W.H. Bond, Thomas Hollis of Lincoln’s Inn: a Whig and his Books (1990)
- S.W. Grose, ‘Early Editions of Milton’s Works in Christ’s College Library’, Christ’s College Magazine 96 (1922), 102-10
- S.W. Grose, ‘A Gift to the College Library’, Christ’s College Magazine 149 (1940), 83-84 [on the collection of western printed books given by W.H.D. Rouse]
- G.T. Martin, ‘Lady Margaret’s Benefactions to the College’, Christ’s College Magazine 230 (2005), 31-46
- N. McLean, ‘Books given to the Library of Christ’s College Cambridge by the Lady Margaret’, The Library n.s. 8 (1907), 218-23