Hi! I’m in my third year at Christ’s, and I’m from the southeast of London. I did English, Art and Classical Civilisation at A-Level, and took Latin at GCSE level. 

My school did not offer either Latin or Greek at A-Level, and I thought this would prevent me from taking Classics any further. I was pretty surprised and excited to find out that the four-year Classics course would supplement all the language learning that I thought I had missed out on – an opportunity not offered at very many other universities. 

Language learning can be hard, especially if you’re coming back to it for the first time in a while - but there is so much support readily given at Christ’s. My main interest in the Classics course is in its art and archaeology modules - and Christ’s is undoubtedly the best place to be if this is what you’re interested in too. 

Aside from the course, Christ’s is centrally located and a short walk to the Faculty, has great spaces for studying, and has beautiful gardens throughout college - it’s a lovely place to work, and live.




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