Hi, I’m Gige and I’m a second-year Classicist at Christ’s. I went to an independent school in London and I am on the 3-year Classics course. During my university application process, I was very torn between applying for History of Art or Classics. I was concerned as it seemed that at other institutions I was considering, my interest in art would not have been nearly as weighted and favoured as I would have liked. However, when I looked into Cambridge and saw how the University, and specifically Christ’s, embraces all aspects of the Classical World, my decision was made very easy for me.

I chose Christ’s not only for its beautiful, central location and amazing accommodation but mostly because Caroline Vout, my Director of Studies, teaches here. I had encountered Carrie’s work before applying, and having a Director of Studies and supervisor whose expertise aligns with my interest in Classical, as well as broader, art has been amazing. I feel thoroughly supported and encouraged to pursue whichever area of Classics appeals most to me. The ability to choose numerous art-focused papers so early on has made this course really vibrant and fulfilling for me, striking a perfect balance between the traditional language and literature foundations I wanted to keep up, while not sacrificing broader, more diverse interests. Christ’s Classicists are very tight-knit and friendly: being surrounded by so many incredible students and supervisors is invaluable, and I could not be happier with my choice.


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