Friday 10 November

We don't have much to tell you about your applications at the moment apart from that we're very much enjoying reading them now that we have all the info and essays (thanks again!). We wanted to just keep in touch though, and as it's Friday afternoon, we thought that you might like to instead hear about Finch's latest escapade!

Yesterday, Finch thought she would sit on the roof of one of the buildings in Second Court. It was a nice day - and there's a good view from up there. Here are some pictures from a phone.


The good news is that with the help of one of our students who had a bedroom in the right place, the College maintenance team eventually persuaded her to come down safely. We can report that this morning she was back sleeping on her favourite chair in the Admissions Office. She and Baines do like to keep an eye on our work, as well as checking for treats, of course.

Have a lovely weekend. There is nothing to do for your application unless we email you with a query or request (receiving emails).


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