Students in a subject meeting
  Even in online format, the subject meetings should be a
  good opportunity to discuss studying and applying for your
  chosen course.

We are organising some subject meetings as part of our September Open Day. These are subject to the availability of our subject specialists and we will confirm which subjects have a meeting shortly before the September Open Day. 

If we invite you to a subject meeting, this will normally be with an academic and the group of other attendees in the subject you are interested in. Your session will be a meeting for the subject you indicated on your booking form.

EMAIL 3.5 will confirm the date, time and joining details for your subject meeting. Unlike other parts of the online open days, your subject meeting can only be attended live (there will be no recording), and these meetings are only for prospective students (no parents or guardians for this, please).

There is only one meeting per subject offered and we are sorry that it is not possible to change the time or date.

Further details about attending your subject meeting will be sent in EMAIL 3.5.

Cameras and microphones
We are trying to make the subject meetings as interactive as possible. We therefore expect you, where possible, to attend your subject meeting with your camera and microphone on. This facilitates conversation and communication in the meeting.


We recommend having a think before your subject meeting and writing down any questions about the course that you would like to ask.

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