Life Drawing at Christ's
Issam Kourbaj, College Lector in Art, will be running friendly and informal life drawing classes on Wednesdays from 7.00 to 9.00 pm during term time. The classes are open to members of the College and University. Each week the students are challenged in diverse ways to think about the process of observational drawings. The fee is £3 per session, with materials (paper, charcoal, soft pastel, easels and boards) provided. This term's classes begin on Wednesday 23 October 2024 and run until Wednesday 4 December 2024. Arrive early, as places are limited.
Every session is different - consistent challenges on the mode and duration of drawings are used to shift the way participants think about drawing. Outside of this they are faced with a variety of challenges through the poses and setting of the figure; moving, strangely lit, structured by lines made from projections of dry spaghetti or veiled by a mystical tube of material named 'the sock'! Each situation creates a problem solving exercise, with the answers neither preconceived nor singular.
What results is a rich variety of output, each individual’s approach and style developing week on week. At the end of the session, the students share their drawings and reflect back on what they have done, as well as receiving feedback from other artists. Uniting people of various experiences from a breadth of disciplines fosters a rich visual dialogue.
For more information about life drawing classes, e-mail Issam Kourbaj: ik254@cam.ac.uk
Issam Kourbaj - taking part in a exhibition celebrating the opening of the Maxell Centre, 9 April to 2 July 2016
Issam Kourbaj - 4 to 7 June 2016
The eleventh edition of Another Day Lost will be shown in Budapest in June as part of the Central European University, School of Public Policy annual conference:
Issam Kourbaj - Another Day Lost at Alserkal Avenue, Dubai 14 to 19 March 2016
Loukas Morley at Espresso Library, 210 East Road, Cambridge from 15 January to 17 March 2016
Issam Kourbaj - Another Day Lost at Twelve Gates Arts, Philadelphia from 24 February to 6 March 2016
- Life Drawing Exhibition 2008
- Life Drawing Exhibition 2009
- 'Reflections' by Tom de Freston
- Transmutations workshop