When going to any university, the costs and support available are an important factor to consider. In order to look at these, you will need to know your fee status, as some costs and support are for Home students only, whilst others apply to overseas students.
Thanks to its collegiate system and resources, Cambridge ensures that living costs are among the lowest in the south of England, while tuition fees are no higher at Cambridge than at any other UK institution you will be applying to. In addition to these low costs, Cambridge has one of the most extensive home bursary schemes in the country aimed at ensuring that every Home student who is good enough to get a place can afford to come to Cambridge. There is also some support available for overseas students through scholarships.
Here at Christ’s, we offer great accommodation and food at a competitive price, and we have our own financial aid schemes for both home and overseas students on top of those provided by the University. This means that studying at Christ’s makes financial sense.
Please see the detail on the following pages:
- Costs
- Financial Support for Home students
- Financial Support for overseas students
- Notes for EU students
- Note for UK Nationals living in the EU/EEA
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