Friday 17 November

Happy Friday! As Stage 4 rolls on for all our current applicants (Stage 4 is long) we again rely on Finch so see us all calmly into the weekend. One of Finch's many College Cat skills is her eye for perches in College. Thanks to Andrew for sending us this picture earlier in the week. Our little feline friend had climbed up the wisteria on the Master's Lodge this time, and had found herself a windowsill where she'd managed to frame herself beautifully whilst looking down over First Court and entertaining everyone again! When looking for Finch it's always worth looking up!

Have a lovely weekend, when you get there! Remember to notice the autumn colours (unless you're on the other side of the world and it's not autumn, of course!).

Current applicants / Stage 4 / Stage 4 advice / Subject information / current questions