David BUTTERFIELD BA, MPhil Cantab
Fellow since 2008
W H D Rouse Research Fellow
College Lector in Classics
Email: djb89 "at" cam.ac.uk
Website: http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/faculty/staff-bios/research_staff/david_butterfield
David Butterfield entered Christ's as a Classics undergraduate in 2003 and graduated in 2006, having specialised in Latin textual criticism, ancient philosophy and Indo-European linguistics. He completed his MPhil at Christ's in 2007, working with Professor David Sedley on a vexed problem in Epicurean physics. His doctoral thesis, by contrast, concerns the textual transmission of Lucretius' de rerum natura up to the Carolingian period. During the tenure of his Fellowship he will also be working upon a critical thesaurus of Lucretian emendations, a collection of Lucretian textual adversaria and a volume of collected essays upon A E Housman. His interests outside all things Lucretian include textual criticism, Latin literature in general, the history of Classical scholarship and the collecting of antiquarian books. He was pre-elected to the W H D Rouse Research Fellowship in 2007 but deferred taking up the position until Michaelmas 2008.