Dr Michael J SQUIRE MA MPhil PhD
Fellow since 2006
Junior Research Fellow in classics and art history
Email: mjs73 "at" cam.ac.uk
Department website (Cambridge): http://www.classics.cam.ac.uk/faculty/staff-bios/research_staff/michael_squire/
Department website (LMU Munich): http://www.klass-archaeologie.uni-muenchen.de/personen/humboldt/squire/index.html
Department website (HU, Berlin): https://winckelmann-institut.hu-berlin.de
Michael read classics at Trinity College, Cambridge. After a year studying art history and comparative literature at Harvard, he returned to Cambridge and completed his PhD in 2006. His doctoral thesis was concerned with the interaction between visual and literary cultures in Graeco-Roman antiquity and was awarded the Hellenic Society prize in 2007. An expanded version of the thesis was published by Cambridge University Press in 2009, under the title Image and Text in Graeco-Roman Antiquity.
Michael's research and teaching straddle a variety of fields within classics, and indeed beyond. His first academic book, co-authored with Nigel Spivey and written in close consultation with the Getty Villa in Malibu, was published in 2004 (Panorama of the Classical World, Thames and Hudson:2nd edition 2008): it has since been translated into six languages. Two other book projects will be published in 2010: The Art of the Body: Antiquity and its Legacy (I.B Tauris and Oxford University Press) and The Art of Art History in the Graeco-Roman World (edited with Verity Platt, and appearing as a special issue of Arethusa). He is also working on an edited volume on Framing the Visual in Greek and Roman Art (again with Verity Platt and forthcoming with Cambridge University Press), a monograph on the so-called Iliac Tablets (The Iliad in a Nutshell: Visualising Epic on the Tabulae Iliacae), and two books on Philostratus the Elder's Imagines and the history of the imagination (both co-written with Jaś Elsner).
Michael's work frequently takes him to Italy: in fact his earliest (and most enjoyable!) book was a cityguide to Rome, published by St Martin's Press in 2003.
(Michael currently holds an Alexander von Humboldt Fellowship in Germany and is on leave from Christ's: he is affiliated to the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich and the Winckelmann-Institut für klassische Archäologie, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin. He is due to return to Christ's in the Autumn of 2010.)
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