"Students from overseas need to translate transcripts, recommendations etc. and this needs time."

Do I need to send a transcript?
First of all, please check this flowchart to see whether in your case a transcript is needed as part of your application.
What exactly is a transcript - what should it show?
If you will need to upload a transcript please see the information about transcripts and example transcripts available on the university website:
You'll see that we are looking for information about all the exams you have taken since the age of about 15 (so covering the last or most recent two years, at least). This includes both official exams (if relevant) and internally assessed exams.
Obviously you can only include results for exams you have already taken and have the results for at the time of application. We do not expect you to include exams you are taking this year in your transcript. We will be able to see from your UCAS application that these are exams you have yet to complete.
If you are applying from a university and have already taken exams as part of your course then, in addition to your high school transcript, you will also need a university transcript showing the exams you have taken so far. If you are at university but have not taken any exams yet, then you will only need a high school transcript (though you will also need to provide curriculum details for your unviersity studies). Please read about applying from a university.
Preparing for application
In preparation for the admissions period, it is a good idea to obtain your transcript and save it as a pdf on your computer. The overall file size must not exceed 3MB.
How/When to upload your transcript
- To upload your transcript, you will need it saved as one pdf file. The overall file size must not exceed 3MB.
- One of the My Cambridge Application questions will ask you to upload your transcript. The deadline will be 22 October in the year you apply.