This page is part of the Christ's applicants from Scotland section.We welcome applications from students in the Scottish SQA qualification system who would like to apply for Engineering at Christ's. We define our offers individually, but for students in the scottish system, the typical offer for Engineering is A1, A1, A2 in three Advanced Highers:
- Advanced Higher Mathematics is a required subject for Engineering at Cambridge.
- Advanced Higher Physics is a required subject for Engineering at Cambridge.
- At Christ's we recommend a third Advanced Higher subject that is a mathematical or science subject. It is desirable to take Advanced Higher Mathematics of Mechanics if at all possible. If you cannot take Advanced Higher Mathematics of Mechanics, then we recommend Advanced Higher Statistics, Chemistry or Biology.
All Engineering applicants also need to take the ESAT (Engineering and Science Admissions Test), which requires registration by mid-September. You will be able to search for a test centre in Scotland where you can sit the test.
Please read our Engineering subject page thoroughly, including profiles by some of our students, information about what the application process involves and resources for developing your interest and relevant skills. The resource we particularly want to highlight for use in S5 and S6 is It is made by the Cambridge Engineering department to help students in the last two years of school to develop the problem-solving skills needed for a competitive Engineering application.
You may be interested in our Experience Christ's Summer School (check the eligibility criteria). If you attend one of the Christ's Online Open Days (October of S5, February of S5, or September of S6) you will also be invited to a subject meeting for Engineering online later in the year. Other events with Engineering content include the University open day online or in person in July of S5, and look out for any Engineering Masterclasses.
Please don't worry if your school is not able to provide support for your application to Cambridge, as we provide support directly via our ongoing support emails and events in the lead up to application, our UK application support pages and our current applicants section.
If you receive an offer, one useful resource is the Maths for Engineering Notes for School Teachers published by the Cambridge Engineering Department. These set out the assumed knowledge at the start of the Engineering first-year mathematics course in the form of a syllabus. Note also the information on that page about the preparatory problems, which we will send to all Engineering freshers in early September before the start of the course.
Christ's Applicants from Scotland / Engineering at Christ's / ESAT (pre-registration required)