This page is part of the offer-holders section for students who have been offered an undergraduate place at Christ's College.
Your offer letter sets out the annual tuition fees for your course in the box on the first page, and in the 'tuition fees and other costs' section, there is also an estimate of additional expenses for accommodation, living expenses and personal expenses whilst you are a student. When you receive your offer letter, please take time to read it carefully as well as the financial information on the University admissions website, which includes information for overseas students.
Student finance applications
(2025 entry)
In addition to the financial information in your offer letter, the following pages have information for students starting a course in October 2025.
The information is different depending on your fee status. Please read the relevant page below for your fee status (which may be different from where you currently live - check your offer letter):
- Home fee status (2025 entry)
- Actions needed (see link for details)
- Read about Cambridge Bursaries and Educational Premiums (no application process as such, but you need to check the info).
- Apply for student finance when applications open (about March). You are advised to apply sooner rather than later to avoid delays in receiving payments.
- Send Fee Status Questionnaire by 26 June if you are not applying for student finance.
- Actions needed (see link for details)
- Overseas fee status (2025 entry)
- Actions needed (see link for details)
- Apply for a Rowan Williams Cambridge Studentship as soon as possible and certainly by 14 February (12 noon UK time) if you are holding an offer for 2025 entry and are from an area of instability or zone of conflict and, or have been, at risk of discrimination, persecution, suffering, violence or other abuse of your human rights.
- Apply for Cambridge Trusts Award by 14 February (12 noon UK time) if you have financial need
- Apply for Christ's International Award by 24 February (9am UK time) if you have financial need (the form will be available from 6 February)
- Apply for any local scholarships if you have financial need
- Upload your Financial Guarantee and evidence documents as soon as possible and by 5 June at latest if you are not waiting to hear scholarship application results
- Upload your Financial Guarantee and evidence documents by 26 June if you needed to wait for scholarship application results.
- Actions needed (see link for details)
If your offer is for deferred 2026 or 2027 entry, please see the page for deferred entry.
Once you start your course
All the practical information about joining Christ's will be sent to you in the September before you start.
For information, College Bills are normally sent to students in the days before each full term (so, three times a year) and payment of your bill is due two weeks after the start of full term. Full details about the payment of fees and College bills etc. will be included in the practical information about joining the College.
Offer holders section / Forward to next page: Deferred entry