This page is relevant to Christ's undergraduate offer-holders with overseas fee status who have an offer for 2025 entry. 

International AwardsChrist's 2025 entry offer holders with overseas fee status are invited to apply for a Christ's International Award. 

Please read about the awards below. If you would like to be considered for an award, complete the application form and then upload it via the upload tool by Monday 24 February (09:00 in the morning UK time) following our instructions below.

About the Awards

For 2025 entry, Christ’s will be offering up to five international awards to outstanding incoming undergraduates from outside the UK. These awards may be held in conjunction with other scholarships, including those given by the Cambridge Trust, and consist of: 

> An annual award of £10,000, for the duration of the undergraduate degree (3 or 4 years). 
> In some cases, depending on the financial need of the individual, the award will be accompanied by a full or partial waiver of the College Fee for the duration of the undergraduate degree. The College fee is £11,900 per annum for 2025-26. 

The awards are not restricted by country or region; they are available to offer-holders resident in all countries outside the UK, although award-holders from Denmark and Eastern Europe may receive named international awards (Oscar Lewisohn Awards and Nelis Bursaries, respectively) while award-holders from other areas will simply receive a Christ's College International Award.

There is no restriction by subject for any of our awards, and we aim to distribute them across the Arts and Sciences.

We hope to make up to two awards to students who have been assisted by the international social enterprise Project Access (or in Hong Kong Access Abroad Hong Kong)

Award-holders will be invited to a celebratory ceremony during the first term at Cambridge.

International Awards Ceremony
How to apply for an award

Please follow these steps:

STEP 1:  Please complete the application form below (including a signature rather than typing your name, please) and save it as a pdf. 

> Christ's International Awards Application Form (Word version)
> Christ's International Awards Application Form (pdf version)

STEP 2: Please save your application as a pdf on your computer with the file name in the following format:

17 - Subject - FAMILY NAME First name - Christs International Award Application - UCAS Personal ID (with no dashes)

Here's an example: for the fictional Magali Lemaire holding an offer for Land Economy, the file name might be

17 - Land Economy - LEMAIRE Magali - Christs International Award Application - 1083829355

Note that there is a space before and after each hyphen, and there is a number at the beginning.

STEP 3: Please open the file on your computer and check that it is legible. 

STEP 4: Please then complete the following upload tool, which includes a question that allows you to upload your pdf. Please make sure that you see the confirmation screen once you have clicked on submit form.

Christ's International Award Application upload tool

If we have a problem opening the file or if there's something wrong with the document you have uploaded, we'll let you know (as ever). Thank you for your help in sending your application following our instructions - it helps us to process everything for you as efficiently and accurately as possible.

Further detail

It is fine to apply for both a Christ's International Awards and a Cambridge Commonweath, European and International Trusts Award  - if you need both awards this is what you should do. You may be awarded both.

Outcome of applications

In most cases we will be able to tell you the outcome of your Christ's International Award application in the second half of April (we will send you an email), however please note that if you have also applied for a Rowan Williams Studentship, you are likely to hear later.