This page is part of the offer-holders section for students who have been offered an undergraduate place at Christ's College.

Once you know whether you intend to accept your offer, please complete a Christ's offer reply form. The link to the form is given in your offer letter (see the the section called 'your response' towards the end). If you have any problems accessing the form, please contact

You will also need to formally reply to your offer via UCAS. Information about doing this is on the UCAS website, and the deadline is 5 June 2025. Please let us know if you've not heard from all other UK universities you've applied to by 14 May.

Please get in touch with us if you are considering declining your offer for non-financial reasons.

When you know
what you intend to do
Complete a Christ's College Offer Reply form
(the link is in your offer letter only)
by 5 June at the latestReply to your offer with UCAS
by signing into your UCAS profile and replying there.
Please let us know if you've not heard from all other UK universities you've applied to by 14 May.

One warning: It's very important that you meet the deadline for replying via UCAS because UCAS declines your offer by default if a reply is not received from you! Remember also that you can always get in touch with us if there's anything that you want to ask before replying to your offer.

Back to offer holders section main page / Forward to next page: Financial Information

"I can't believe how quickly Christ's has become my home! Walking through college in the morning, seeing all the friendly faces around and greeting all the friends you bump into never fails to put a smile on my face - it's my favourite way to start the day!

Lily (2nd Year English student from Brighton)