This page is to support students holding an offer for 2026 or 2027 entry. It is part of the offer-holders section.
Congratulations on your offer! For deferred entry offer holders, there is more than a year between receiving your offer at the end of January and starting your course at Christ's.
When you are reading the offer holders section, note that since yours is a deferred offer, some of the information in the section relates to this year and some of the information will be about things that you do next year (and if your offer is for 2027 entry, some will even be about things you do the year after!). This dedicated page for deferred entry offer holders should help clarify when you need to do things.
When reading the dates and deadlines page, note that the deadlines which you need to meet in the year you receive your offer are as follows:
> reply to your offer
> upload passport copy
> upload certificates
> correct address (if relevant)
> if you were made an offer from the pool, send 'catch-up' documents
> book a place on the Offer Holder Visit Day (if you want to)
> let us know if you're a care leaver
> note STEP information if relevant
> fee status questionnaire if relevant
> email us if you want to make any changes to your exam entries.
> meet any academic conditions (see your offer letter)
> meet any English language conditions (see your offer letter)
> choral award application (this can be made in either year, depending on your plans)
> disability, neurodiverse conditions, mental health conditions, long-term health condition disclosure, and interruptions to your studies, short-term illness and exam problems
> keep us up-to-date with any changes to your contact details
NB. The full offer holders section is published at the end of January each year so once you've done the things above, note that between September and January, some pages may not be available to you.
We will update the offer holders section for your entry year and email you at the very end of January of the year you are due to start at Christ's. The email we send will be an update on your offer, now including financial information for your entry year, the new Terms of Admissions, and we will remind you that you must now meet the remaining deadlines listed on the dates and deadlines page from January to August in the year before you are due to start at Christ's, in particular:
> book a place on the Offer Holder Visit Day (if you want to)
> send passport copy (yes, we ask you to upload this again at this stage)
> visa conditions
> financial conditions
> disability, Specific Learning Difficulty or long-term illness disclosure, difficult circumstances
> choral award application (can be made in either year, depending on your plans)
> instrumental award application
> Medicine documents if your offer is for Medicine
> Accommodation form
> keep us up-to-date with any changes to your contact details
Most deferred offer holders are given their deferred offer in January. Your UCAS account will then display the correct entry year by the end of January. Therefore the following points will not apply to you.
If the Director of Admissions has agreed to change your entry year in the time since we made the offer in January, then once we have processed this, UCAS may contact you to ask you to formally accept a change to your entry year. If they do this, please follow their instructions promptly when asked.
Those who need a two-year deferral (for reasons of National Service commitments) will receive a one-year deferred offer via UCAS in the first instance. This is because it's not possible to enter a two-year deferral at UCAS. Please email us in the autumn of the year after you applied to ask us to defer your place for another year. The timeline will look like this:
> if you applied by 15 October 2024 for entry in 2027, you will receive an offer for 2026 with UCAS (even though the formal Christ's offer letter we send you will say 2027).
> if you meet the conditions of your offer, your place will be confirmed in late August 2025 (we will write to you)
> when the next admissions cycle opens in September 2025, please email us to ask us to defer your place to 2027.
> UCAS will contact you to ask you to formally accept a change to your entry year. Please ensure that you reply promptly.
If your offer has academic and/or English language conditions, then after you have taken your exams, and assuming that you have met the grades we require, we will write to you at the same time as everybody else in mid-August to formally confirm that your offer is now an unconditional offer. There is nothing that you need to do in response to this letter.
You won't hear much from us in September - December 2025, as this is the period in which the rest of your cohort will make their applications, and have their assessment and interviews. In the second half of January we will update the dates and deadlines page for your entry year, and at the very end of January, we will email you with an update including financial information for your entry year and the updated Terms of Admission.

Tuition fee and other costs information will be updated on the university website at the links provided below once the information for 2026 and 2027 entry is confirmed.

Please be aware that information in the offer holders' section may be updated so we advise you to read it periodically.
Please ensure that you start all emails to us with the details we need. Many thanks! Here's a fictional example of what we need at the beginning of your emails:
Natural Sciences (Physical),
Offer for 2026 entry
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